Thursday, December 1, 2011

Buy A Bag of Uncle Woody's Popcorn Right Now

An excellent stocking stuffer or gift.
There is no time to mess around: If you like popcorn, or if you just like food that tastes good, you need to get on this Uncle Woody’s popcorn.

We’ve had this stuff in stock for a couple of months now, but I just got around to trying it. I polished off a bag of the truffle-salted variety, and I feel like I’ve tasted the future. 

For too long I’ve been a drone of microwave popcorn, mindlessly munching the exploded kernels drenched in whatever ridiculous mixture of vegetable oil and salt they pass off as "butter." And microwave popcorn tastes OK, but Uncle Woody's is - like I said - the future; it has awakened my taste buds.

I don’t have the brainpower to describe how wonderful the truffle salt variety tastes. It has the pleasant, salty sting of cheddar cheese with the deep, deep, rich taste of truffles. In fact, the popcorn has the texture of a mushroom – moist and dense, but still filled with air, and all its microscopic chambers filled to the top with flavor. 

Best of all? Uncle Woody’s is made by the Seattle Popcorn Co., and is just a couple of doors down from the Chef Tools HQ. That means I have access to this stuff all the time – and by the miracle of interstate shipping, so do you. 

I have an exciting task ahead of me: trying the 6 other Uncle Woody’s flavors. There’s chipotle, butterscotch, caramel (2 types, original and butterscotch-caramel), white cheddar, and – the unspeakable – butterscotch-caramel-cinnamon. I can’t wait.

I urge you to forget microwave popcorn, eschew the giant Christmas tin of mass-produced “popcorn” floating around your office, and get a bag of Uncle Woody’s! Get one (or 2) for yourself. Put them in your kids’ stockings, or give as gifts to your mailman or officemates – you will delight them and enlighten their taste buds in one action. Taste the future of snacking now!

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