Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Scanpan: the Danes make a great pan


Denmark is located on a peninsula bordered on the north and west by the North Sea, the east by the Baltic Sea and the south by Germany. Its largest city is Copenhagen, which is actually very close to Sweden (a bridge connects the two), and the entire population is right around 6 million. Humans have lived on this piece of land for around 12,000 years. Denmark is, according to the CIA, about the size of Massachusetts. 

Denmark has a high life expectancy, low unemployment and a high literacy rate*.  It has a gross domestic product of around $200 billion and is renowned for its pharmaceutical, green energy and shipping (by sea, etc.) industries. Denmark also produces a lot of steel, iron and nonferrous metals. 

9-1/2" fry pan
And that brings us to our subject: high quality pans. Specifically, Scanpans. These are pans made of titanium and aluminum** by happy, well-paid, literate workers in an incredible process that also happens to be environmentally friendly. 

For Chef Tools to sell these fine Danish pots and pans is a real coup. 

We added them to the site just a couple of days ago. We have Scanpan fry pans from 8 to 12-3/4 inches, a 10-inch crepe pan, a wok, a 5-1/2 quart saucepot and an 8-piece cookware set (which I desire). But let’s get back to why Scanpans are so special.

They*** start with titanium. They heat it to 30,000 degrees (F), they fuse it with liquid aluminum and then they compress into a pan shape. The result is ceramic titanium, a strong and non-leaky^ metal that’s ideal for cooking. But the process is not over. A layer of PFOA-and PFOS^^-free nonstick coating is applied, which is good for cooking, and a plus for you and the environment. 

Making a Scanpan (photo from Scanpan)

In sum: Scanpan makes durable pans coated with a futuristic nonstick coating that does not contain chemicals with unpronounceable names. Get a Scanpan and celebrate (even for one meal) the cultural and metallurgical miracle that allows you took cook a perfect omelet, salmon fillet or hash browns.

*78.63 years, 5.2 percent and 99 percent, respectively
**Titanium and aluminum are nonferrous; they do not contain iron
***”They” are the Scanpan makers; that gentleman in the photo above, for example
^”Non-leaky” is my phrase to describe a metal that will not leach into your food; your food will not taste like the pan, in other words
^^Perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, respectively, whose harm to mammals and Earth is not fully understood but generally thought to be very bad

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