Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Meri Meri Sneak Peak

Meri Meri Easter Bunny cake stand
Everyone loves Meri Meri. For real, it’s one of our most popular lines at ChefTools.com. It’s no wonder, since Meri Meri makes well designed, artful party decorations, stationary and tons of other cool stuff. So, I thought I’d let everyone know that we here at ChefTools.com are hard at work readying a couple of new Meri Meri lines for debut on our website later this summer (we have to “build” products, which entails photographing them, writing about them and doing a bunch of insane computer stuff that I don’t know anything about).

First up, we’re introducing a line of Halloween items. I think Meri Meri is pretty well known for its elaborate party centerpieces, but they’ve really reached another level this year. One of the Halloween centerpieces is a gigantic haunted house complete with a blinking light, flying ghosts, a witch with a cauldron, scary trees – and even a scary fence! It is – as Meri Meri’s catalog says – “spookalicious.” Another piece that’s pretty cool is a tarantula cupcake holder; you put a cupcake on his back, and his body (he’s a smiling tarantula) is suspended in the air by 8 big legs. 

We also have a huge line of Christmas items. My favorite is a group of items – cupcake kits, gift bags, greeting cards, party plates, place cards – based on a design Meri Meri found at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The designs are all a beautiful silver/gold and have extremely intricate patterns – these things look like they could adorn wallpaper at Buckingham Palace

Meri Meri is also introducing a line of birthday party pieces based on the “Fun With Spot” books. There are birthday cards, cupcake kits, garland, party plates and a lot more. If you do not know Spot – and his friends the alligator, the hippo and the monkey – your kids do; this line keeps alive Meri Meri’s tradition of making cool things with timeless characters, like Peter Rabbit

Finally, a Meri Meri contest: Congratulations to the winners! You'll be notified soon. 


  1. I would do a star gazing night! I would do everythng related to space,stars and all that good stuff and play a movie outside on the patio and the center piece will be perfect for it!

  2. I'm thinking my great-nephew would get a real kick out of a space themed birthday party and this would be fun to start the theme decorating ideas! JAWK@AOL.COM

  3. I have an upcoming fundraiser dessert party to raise funds for the 1000 cooks for the cure which will raise money for a cure for breast cancer. This would be a great raffle gift for someone who attends my party for the cure, this way they can get something in return for donating in the search for something that effects evueryone.

  4. I apologize for my forgetting to mention this: please leave an email address so we can contact you!
